• Contact us today!
  • +234-803-3611-009 +234-808-808-5757
  • tkphq@yahoo.co.uk

Making Missions Doable

Raising Agents of Transformation

Touching Lives for Christ


Community Transformation

THE KINGDOM PROJECTS (TKP) is a mustard seed that was planted in 1996.

The faithfulness of God has transformed the mustard seed into a tree today. Under this tree, birds are finding refuge, Christian professionals are locating their place in global missions and people with God’s call upon their lives are finding platforms for fulfilling their ministries. Nations are being reached, disciples are being raised, Churches are being planted, communities are being transformed through our community development projects, increasing number of missionaries are being recruited and God-loving people are being connected with their calling via our training programs. No doubt, the Lord has enlarged and is still enlarging the work. TKP's missionary activities have spread to twenty countries.

We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: 2nd Peter 1:19

Join us for a discovery of how to key yourself into the "more sure word of prophecy"

Livestreaming via:

Zoom link:
ID: 818 3527 0437
Passcode: abc3520tkp




7, Christ Avenue, Off University Road, (2nd Turning after GDSS) Tanke, Ilorin, Nigeria


+234 808 808 5757 +234 803 3611 009
pim@tkpmission.org, tkpcontact@gmail.com , www.tkpmission.org

Vacancies exist in the Global Missions Enterprise for


on short-term or full-term basis

Job Description:

If you feel led to accept this Missions Opportunity,

Tentmakers Institute

Get Connected to your Calling without Leaving your secular Job...

Tentmakers Institute has a divine mandate to:

  • Get you connected to your calling without leaving your secular Job
  • Help you to get thoroughly equipped for every good work
  • Empower Christian professionals to get connected to their calling.

Missions is a Must for the Church and a Job for every Believer.

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matt 24:14


years of reaching the nations through our vocations


Tentmaking & Conventional Missionaries


Associate Missionaries


Outreach Coordinators

Tentmaking Opportunites
Medics in Missions

Helping the Christian Medical and Health Professionals to occupy their strategic place in global missions.

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Tentmaking Opportunites
Teachers in Missions

Helping Christian Teachers understand the centrality of their teaching profession to God's agenda for this end-time.

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Tentmaking Opportunites
Professionals in Missions

God in heaven appoints each man’s work. John 3.27 (The Living Bible Translation)

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Tentmaking Opportunites
Retirees in Mission

It is a ministry arm of TKP comprising of Christians who are retired from secular job

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Making Impact Locally &
Changing History Globally

Souls won through Touching Lives at Christmas-TLC
0 K
Schools setup in rural unreached Communities
Medical center setup in rural unreached community
Countries where mission impact have been felt

TKP Outreach Impacts


SOULS - through Touching Lives @ Christmas 2023


IMPACTED LIVES- through Missionary Exposure & Experience (MEE 2023)

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Upcoming Event

MEE 2023: April 6th-10th